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The executives of the National Association of Gonjaland Students,UEW Chapter has yesterday 5th August, 2021 paid a courtesy call on Members of Parliament from Savannah region in Parliament.
The visit was to congratulate all the MPs for emerging victorious at the just ended 2020 elections and to also put before them the plans of the student front especially that of the students of University of Education, Winneba. The Kantama led administration of Nags Uew discipline, deliberated on key issues with MPs from savannah region among these issues were: 1. The need for NAGS-UEW to get a rented apartment to accommodate students from Gonjaland that have gained admission to UEW,Winneba.
2. Less privileged continue Students support. 3. P. A. System for the Association 4. The need for Honorable Members to honour invitations to Seminars and other educational programs organised by NAGS-UEW. and among others. 5. Jerseys and footballs for the Association team.
Due to the busy schedules of our honorable MPs, leadership of NAGS-UEW were able to meet with only three of our MPs with others rescheduling our meeting to different days. The three members of Parliament that made time to meet leadership were Hon. Alhaji Asei Mahama Seini Deputy Health Minister and MP for Daboya/Mankarigu Constituency, Hon. Alhaji Yussif Sulemana (Ori) MP for Bole-Bamboi Constituency and Hon. Andrew Dari Chiwitey MP for Sawla Tuna Kalba Constituency. All the MPs upon hearing our reason for visitation thanked leadership for first of all accepting to lead the students from of the Association and also taking time out of their busy schedule to pay them a visit. The demands made by the Kantama led executives was tackled point by point. On the part of Hon. Asei Mahama, he was so touched and moved by the selfless demands of leadership and suggested to leadership to see how a land could be secured in Winneba for the NAGS-UEW hostel to be added into the agenda of all stakeholders as part of their long time goal.
Hon. Yussif Sulemana who is the leader of the Savannah regional Caucus in parliament shared his experience with leadership and admonished everyone to be confident, selfless and have love for one another. He pledged to take up some of the demands placed before him personally and will do his possible best to put all our demands before the caucus for them to deliberate on how to help solve our problems of worry. Hon. Andrew Dari Chiwitey told leadership how elated he was to meet very refined but distinguished students leaders like us and pledged that, his office is open to us since we are also seen as development partners. He endorsed all that we said and pledged to also rally his support behind his colleagues to get a chunk of our demands resolved. Leadership of NAGS-UEW will like to use this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank our Honorable Members of parliament most especially Hon. Alhaji Asei Mahama, Hon. Yussif Sulemana and Hon. Andrew Dari Chiwitey for their hospitality and kind words of wisdom extended to us.
We will further like to thank all the Research Assistants of our honorable MPs most especially, Mr. Baki Osman (R.A. for MP, Daboya/Mankarigu), Mr. Tommy (R.A. for MP, STK, Mr. Sulley (R.A. for MP, Salaga South), Mr. Peter (R.A. for MP, Bole-Bamboi), Mr. Rahaman Mankir (R.A. for MP, YKC) etc for working very closely with us to ensuring that, we had a fruitful visit. We will forever remain grateful and inspired to contributing our quota to the development of Savannah region and Gonjaland at large. Finally, let me thank the Savannah regional Chairman of the ruling party, Alhaji Iddrisu Sulemana AkA prof. Kalamonia for his great support to the leadership of the association and the association at large. May Allah continue to bless Kejakpanana and make us great and strong. Issued by Karim Mohammed Secretary NAGS-UEW 0247096893 Cc: Kanyiti Saburu Kantama President NAGS-UEW 0540206233


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